01706 860247

High Level is a safe space for anyone in recovery from any form of addictive behaviour. We also support family and friends who may be worried about the drug and alcohol use of others.

Staff at High Level support people in their recovery. We have staff who are trained counsellors who can work on things such as passed issues, current problems and provide support for people to live a life addiction free. There are groups that meet at High Level that can be beneficial in bringing people together for personal development and also to support one another.

We also provide a range of holistic treatments to help with sleep and relaxation. Advice and guidance is also available on a range of issues.

Remote services are provided for those who cannot access.

(Access via front door on Drake Street opposite Water Street, please press the High Level bell to be let in, we are the first door up the stairs to the right)

Please name High Level (Northern) Trust as your Amazon Smile charity.  When you purchase Amazon will make a donation to is  – thanks for your support

High Level are grateful to the following organisations, trusts and charities for their support
