01706 860247

Donation and Sponsorship

If you would like to make a donation to our charity please use the following bank information

Bank Details:-

Sort code 40-01-13
Account 62493586

Please also fill in the gift aid form as this will allow us to claim 25% on top of your donation from HMRC (link below)

Gift Form Aid

If you would like to speak to somebody about donating a single amount or making a regular donation please contact us on 01706 860247 or email highlevel@hlnt.org.uk

Just some of the benefits that individuals will receive because of your donations:-

  • Allows people to develop life skills and strategies to improve their lives.

  • Increases health and access to health care service.

  • Increases life expectancy.

  • Enables families to work together to find positive ways forwards.

  • Parents and children reunited.

  • Relieves social isolation and loneliness

  • Allows people to contribute to society

  • Allows people to become motivated to find employment

  • Allows people to become motivated to enter into education

Just some of the benefits for society of supporting people to be substance and addiction free:-

  • Reduces crime rates

  • Reduces doctors waiting lists

  • Reduces homelessness

  • Reduces emergency admissions at hospitals

  • Reduces anti-social behaviour

  • Reduces pressure on the police force

Our Data Protection Statement

Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the information provided by you in this registration form will be held by High Level (Northern) Trust as data controller. The information will only be used by High Level (Northern) Trust. Your contact details (name, contact address, telephone number, banking details, e-mail, and social media etc) and information will not be shared, unless you have given us permission to share it or we believe you are going to harm yourself or others.  Please note we are bound by child protection laws and if we believe a child is coming to any kind of harm or suffering from neglect we are required to report this information.

No other information will be passed on to a third party without written or verbal permission.

If you require our full GDPR policy or further policies please request them from highlevel@hlnt.org.uk.